Hello Lovelies, it’s been a while.
It has been a tough 2 years. Helping Mom through her battle with cancer has been the most draining, heart wrenching experience of our lives. We learned of the power that “hope” has and the beauty and danger it holds. Experiencing small victories in her health and holding her hand through the valleys. Many of you have asked me to write about Mom. There is definitely a story there. I’m just not ready to relive that time in life quite yet. “All things work together for good..” Though we don’t understand (at all)… We believe there is no way that there could be such suffering and turmoil as there was without there being more to the story. Something bigger. A greater purpose. We may not see the big picture now. And we may not understand why we all had to go through the pain that we did. But we will one day.
Meanwhile, time is passing. There are good days and tougher days. Going through the motions and trying to find a new “normal.”
Moving on to the next topic <3
Finding a new normal is not super easy. I try and stay busy. I make it a point to get out of the house with the kids everyday. It’s good for them and honestly, it’s good for me too. I’m always thinking “they will remember this, we are going to create a memory.” Play-dates, birthday parties.. some days, we’ll hit up the splash pad or hang out at the library ..whether it’s a trip to the park, walk around an outdoor mall or sky zone, it doesn’t matter as long as they are out and experiencing something fun or learning something new.. and it definitely helps me to get away from the temptation of having the TV babysit!
Pat myself on the shoulder, oh yeah! I got this parenting thing!
Ummm…ha. Not so much. Ugh… 🙄
I read an article on slow parenting and it really left such an impression on me.
“I encourage parents to take some time to just watch their children, whether the are playing, doing homework or eating a snack, take a moment to drink them in. Remember and remind yourself how remarkable your children are. That pause alone, even if momentary, can drive a shift in pace.” (John Duffy, author of Available Parent)
I know how important it is to enjoy the moment because we don’t have this time for long. And as overwhelming as it is, at times I know I’ll miss it when it’s gone 🙂 I know that. I say that a lot. Its becoming annoying, I say it so much. But really, it’s so true.
Here is something that I noticed about myself..
I catch myself rushing. Rushing myself, the kids…the experience!
“Ok guys, lets go!” “Hurry up sweetie.”
We always have a good time but I’m always in a hurry. Honestly, I don’t even know why!
We don’t have TIME to stop and examine where another paw print may have come from or stop and smell yet another flower…but wait, why don’t we have the time? I really had to stop and ask myself that question. It’s not like I have this humongo jumbo, pressing matter to attend to at home. As an adult, I guess it’s just normal that I move at a faster pace than the kids.. and come to think of it, I’m also not generally great at relaxing on my own time. So there. it’s not really about the time. Its about slowing down.
“…take sometime to just watch your children….take a moment to drink them in. Remember and remind yourself how remarkable your children are”
Isn’t that beautiful?
So I challenged myself to do just that. Yesterday when we hung out in the pool, instead of busying myself by collecting towels or worrying about having to get lunch ready, I just “watched them.”
I noticed Noah, talking to some bugs on the side of the pool. I love how serious his little face was.
Aurora, dipping her doll in and out of the water, teaching her how to swim while singing a made up song. (So cute!)
Juliette, sitting on the step beside me, literally shaking with excitement at being able to splash to her hearts content.
Their sweetness breaks my heart.
My take away from all this?
I need to slow down and live in the moment, enjoy the moment. Maybe I’ll skip an outing or playdate here and there. Maybe we’ll stay home and take the time to explore under the bed… maybe we’ll be silly and talk about WHATEVER is on their mind (like those million, crazy random questions Noah always has). Or maybe we’ll build a fort, hang out and not be in a rush to clean up and get to the huge list of things that need to get done. Whatever we do, we will definitely take it slow… no need to rush 🙂
What is something special that you do to enjoy your time with your littles?
Hope you have a great week <3
Love you somethin’ fierce
Lavi says
Maria Onciu says
Love you and your little ones, love this blog, it has so much truth in it! God bless you and your beautiful family!